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Custom result sets and insights will be evaluated during the evening run. This means that newly created insights do not show up in the result overviews until the next morning.

The Custom Insights will be visible in the following overviews:

  • Design – Insights page: In the Design insights by ruleset and Findings graph as a separate group of findings grouped by its ruleset
  • Catalog: New Rulesets and Insights are added to the Catalog as a separate column set that can be selected from the column selector dropdown. The name of the new column set will be "Insights <ruleset name>" and usually will be at the bottom of the column set list.
  • Catalog – (Instance details page): In the Catalog details page for each database instance that matches the Insights selection, the ruleset and findings will be included in the Design Insights tab.

Custom Insights do not influence Impact and Complexity scores of databases.