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This feature requires the OfficeExpert TrueDEM Advanced for Microsoft Teams license

This section contains additional reports for Networking and Devices

Network Reports  

ISP Overview: This report provides insight into the various ISP's used within your organization and their performance over the past seven days (adjustable). Use the overview to get details about the overall trends in ISP response time, or even zoom in on specific round-trip times in order to identify potential problematic delays. Click on any ISP to get further details like hops used, or users per specific ISP.  

Routing Map: The routine map report allows you to select an individual user and examine the connectivity journey they take during their recent connection to Microsoft Teams. Teams presence or Outlook. It shows the full path and all hops (if they can be identified).    

Device Reports  

Device Hardware: This report shows the various device types used in your organization including average CPU & Ram utilization over the last 7 days (adjustable) and the number of users currently using that device type. It also shows hardware failures seen on individual devices during that time period. Use this report to identify devices that may be struggling with CPU /RAM (possibly indicating need for replacement) or to locate specific devices having hardware issues that require attention. Use the sorting & filtering options in the Device Hardware Failures table to identify those devices similar issues or by recent failure occurrences.