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Please continue with creating an Upload Client Data Action and/or Nomad Web Migration Action.
Starting with the Domino Directory template in Domino 12.0.1, you will need to have the [PolicyModifier] ACL role in order to create or edit the Simplified Installation form.
If you have a problem where your Notes clients aren't uploading data to the Analyze database after setting this up, here are a few things to look at:
- If the Analyze database location in Step 2 is set to "On user's home server", check the home servers to make sure the Analyze database exists at exactly this path: 'panagenda\pmc_analyze.nsf'.
- Reset the Analyze database location on this document by clicking the "Select an existing Analyze database" button from Step 1, selecting an Analyze database on one of your servers, and resaving this document.
- Make sure your users have Author access in the Analyze database ACL, with "Create Documents" rights.
- Make sure you have enabled MarvelClient Essentials on the Domino Directory Profile in Step 3.
- Remember that this only works for Notes 12 and higher clients. If you want to enable MarvelClient Essentials on older clients, please follow the instructions for setting up a FREE MarvelClient Essentials Installation.
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- Your clients are HCL Nomad Mobile or HCL Nomad Web clients (that's because MarvelClient is enabled for HCL Nomad clients by default)
- Your clients have an MC_DB entry in notes.ini – regardless of whether the therein specified database exists
- Your clients do not have an MC_DB entry and panagenda\panagenda.nsf exists on a user’s mail server
- Your clients do not have an MC_DB entry and panagenda\pmc_config.nsf exists on a user’s mail server
- A client already has an actions.xml file in the MarvelClient Working Directory and the therein stored replica id does not match the public addressbook