Page History
This feature requires the OfficeExpert TrueDEM® Advanced for Microsoft Teams license
The user details page is available with the OfficeExpert TrueDEM Advance TrueDEM® Advance for Teams license and gives you deep dive information about the user and his device. If a user uses multiple devices, you will have separate pages for each as much information is device context specific. The only exception to this is the “Call to issue source mapping” list, which shows all call regardless and the section on OneDrive metrics, which is user specific.
Additional User specific reports can be accessed from the "Related Views" menu in the right upper corner.
- Factors negatively influencing Teams Calls: Shows the relation between the used devices and the issues occurring
- Routing Map: to see how the user is routed while using Teams, Outlook and Presence and whether this is optimal or not.
- Teams Version Impact Analysis: Showing the number of degraded and impacted calls per used Teams version for the user. this can be used to identify if a certain release is causing more problems for the user than previous releasesWifi Quality During Calls: Shows the number of bad calls related to the used Wifi network(s). It also differentiates between the Wifi's frequency band if multiple are in use.