Page History
This article explains how panagenda OfficeExpert iDNA Applications stores, uses and discloses the information it collects.
Data Collection
There are two primary ways in which OfficeExpert collects information:
- Secure calls (HTTPS) to Microsoft cloud services
- Secure calls (SSL) from OfficeExpert bots installed on-premises
iDNA Applications collects all its information from local Domino servers.
Data Storage
All collected data is stored and processed within the OfficeExpert iDNA Applications virtual appliance - there is no external data processing!
By default, all personal data is obfuscated, and therefore compliant with the EU's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Obfuscation can only be disabled by applying a new license. Please refer to Data Protection in User Profiles for further details on that
Info |
Please visit the panagenda Help Center if you would like to request a license with a setting that is different from the one in your existing license. |
All passwords stored for
iDNA Applications are either hashed or encrypted.
Usage Data
panagenda OfficeExpert iDNA Applications does not collect any usage data and does not automatically send logs, configurations, statistics, benchmark data, or similar to its data centers.
Data Access
OfficeExpert iDNA Applications is delivered as a virtual software appliance that supports VMWare ESX , and Microsoft Hyper V and an Azure deployment . The customer installs OfficeExpert iDNA Applications on-premises (or in their own Azure tenant) - thus the customer owns and controls the level of security such as where the virtual appliance is installed, as well as, who has which level of access to it.
OfficeExpert iDNA Applications offers two different user roles: