Error rendering macro 'rw-search'



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Table of Contents

Release 2021-05-05 - 12.0.2


FIXFixed an issue where, when upgrading as SYSTEM, %localappdata% was possibly still resolved as C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Local; in such a case it will now always be resolved as Default user localappdata
ENHANCEMENTImproved logging for shortcut creation with additional lines for system and shell notifications
ENHANCEMENT*SetRegistryKeyOption### now also supports %MCU_Merge% and %MCU_Unmerge%, optionally with separator suffix e.g., %MCU_Merge%, (separator defaults to @LF(@) for REG_EXPAND_SZ and to ; for all other *_SZ value types)
ENHANCEMENTENHANCEMENT: Added a new ini option SetEnvOption, which can now be set to %MCU_Merge% or %MCU_Unmerge%, optionally with separator suffix e.g., %MCU_Merge%, (separator defaults to ;)

Release 2021-04-29 - 12.0.1


FIXFixed an issue where all rcplauncher, jvmpatcher and similar files were all attached / stored as rcplauncher_datetime.log, instead of filename_datetime.log
FIXFixed an issue where, when running via SYSTEM outside of %ProgramFiles(x86)%\panagenda\MCUpgrade, the MCUpgrade.dll would not be deployed to UpgradeDirectory (if not present in %ProgramFiles(x86)%\panagenda\MCUpgrade)
FIXFixed an issue where, when running via SYSTEM without console session, the first migrated notes.ini during multiuser migration had the wrong Directory= entry
FIXFixed a minor issue where we would scan %ProgramData% twice during MultiUser Shared Data Cleanup
FIXFixed an issue where, when upgrading using the panagenda Installer Service, old MCUpgrade*.dll files were not updated
FIX / CHANGE / ENHANCEMENTbackup\index.txt (re)creation has been enhanced to better/properly memorize a non-existent/not specified/not auto detected NotesIniFileOld
In addition, backup\index.txt will be preserved unchanged across runs - any missing files (whether source or index) will be handled during roamback

Release 2021-04-28 - 12.0.0


ENHANCEMENTMCUpgrade will now also resolve %ProgramFiles% for future 64 bit Notes client installs
FIXFixed an issue where, when running via SYSTEM without console session, getting folders via best efforts would compute the wrong localappdata folder and appdata suffix
FIXFixed an issue where, when running via SYSTEM without console session, getting folders via last logged on user would never work due to a superflous backslash
FIXFixed an issue where, when running via SYSTEM without console session, the log would stop after running another program
FIXFixed an issue where, when running via SYSTEM outside of %ProgramFiles(x86)%\panagenda\MCUpgrade, the MCUpgrade.dll would not always be used in the UpgradeDirectory
FIX / CHANGEThe MCUpgrade*.dlls, MCKeyfileEditor*.dlls and the panagendaInstallerService have been signed with a new certificate
All components with an expired certificate will be re-deployed automatically, if necessary