Versions Compared


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The Header Section of the MarvelClient Upgrade Wizard contains the most important configuration elements:

  1. Title of the Upgrade Configuration document. Use whatever text, including any special characters, to describe your upgrade configuration.
  2. Package name: Technical descriptor of your upgrade configuration.


    Do not use special characters for the package name. +*.-/_ (blank, plus, star, dot, minus/dash, slash and underscore) are fine.

  3. Type of Upgrade: Choose whether you want to
    1. install a full client package (with or without additional addons)
      A full client install comes with various differences, such as uninstalling the old client (whilst preserving the data directory), moving data directories (if applicable) and much more
    2. install a fixpack, hotfix or other component only
    3. create a freestyle configuration with very little validation and sanity checking (not recommended, primarily used by panagenda consulting and support)
  4. Wizard mode: Choose whether you want a Super easy configuration or All options
  5. Prepare or Publish Upgrade: The button turn blue and clickable as soon as you have filled in the most important fields in the table below
  6. Various tabs to configure your upgrade - the number of tabs and labels depends on the Wizard mode and other settings
  7. Licensing information for MarvelClient Upgrade