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notes.ini entries for customizing MarvelClient | |||||||||
notes.ini entry | Description | Example value(s) | |||||||
MC_DB Mandatory if the Configuration database is not installed in the default location. | The Configuration database that MarvelClient shall synchronize new, changed, removed and enabled/disabled Actions and Conditions with %notes_homeserver% is resolved via a so called NameLookup, with fallback to the user's current location, followed by notes.ini:MailServer If neither results in a respective home/mail server, MarvelClient will attempt to open the database according to ini:MC_DB_LastReachable | %notes_homeserver%!!panagenda\mc_config.nsf If not specified see default values in first column of this table row. %notes_homeserver% is resolved at runtime; see Description column to the left for details. | |||||||
MC_DB_NotResolvable Recommended for initial client setups | If the Configuration database server is configured as %notes_homeserver% and a home/mail server cannot be resolved, the download procedure will fallback to the server and database specified through this notes.ini parameter NOTE: this setting is only applicable if MC_DB= contains %notes_homeserver%, which should be the case for just about any production rollout | WorldWideAvailableServerName/ACME!!panagenda\panagenda.nsf | |||||||
MC_DB_Unavailable | If the Configuration database cannot be opened, MarvelClient will fall back to the server and database specified through this notes.ini entry NOTE: be careful with IP timeout settings - the default is 90 seconds; if it takes 90 seconds to discover that MC_DB cannot be opened, another 90 seconds might be added via MC_DB_Unavailable.setting too low values might lead to "loosing connectivity". See also ini:TCPIP_TcpConnectTimeout, mc:db_dbopentimeout and mc:db_checktimedout | WorldWideAvailableServerName/ACME!!panagenda\panagenda.nsf | |||||||
MC_UploadDB Configured through a notes.ini management Action in the MarvelClient Configuration database. | Used for uploading data into the MarvelClient Analyze database, HW/SW inventory and/or collection of e.g., location and connection documents | panagenda\mc_analyze.nsf Path to the Analyze database on the current Config DB server. The server gets added automatically, just provide the path. no default; must be specified when collecting HW & SW inventory and/or Location/Connection documents | |||||||
MC_WorkingDirectory | Specifies the location of the panagenda MarvelClient Working Directory | %notes_data%\mc Defaults to the following values per platform for MarvelClient Essentials: Defaults to the following values per platform for panagenda Customers: | |||||||
MC_NetworkDirectory Mandatory for MarvelClient Roaming via Fileserver | Specifies the location of the panagenda MarvelClient Network Directory; The actions.xml file is copied from/to this location at every client start/shutdown to ensure that (MarvelClient) roaming clients can re-use instructions across multiple computers | H:\NotesBackup %ENV_USERHOMESHARE%\Roaming | |||||||
MC_AllowSyncDuringSetup Recommended to set to 2 for initial client setups | By default, panagenda MarvelClient does nothing if the notes.ini Setup= entry is missing when starting an IBM Notes client, leaving initial client setup entirely to IBM and the respective deployment configuration. In order to use MarvelClient to fully configure IBM Notes clients during the very first client start, set MC_AllowSyncDuringSetup=2 in notes.ini | 0 (or not set)=by default, panagenda MarvelClient does nothing if the notes.ini Setup= entry is missing during client startup 1=if MC_AllowSyncDuringSetup is set to 1, MarvelClient will synchronize during every client start, irregardless of whether that is a good idea or not
defaults to not set | |||||||
MC_AllowSyncDuringSetup_FixPrompt Recommended for initial client setups | Prevents IBM Notes from prompting users for a password twice during initial client setup | 1
defaults to not set | |||||||
MC_SupportIDVault Mandatory for when using ID vault and MarvelClient should automatically download a user's ID file during initial client startup/setup | By default, MarvelClient does not download user ids from ID vault. In order to enable IDVault support, set this entry to 1 in notes.ini
| 1
| |||||||
MC_SupportIDVault_Prompt | When set to 1 will prompt end users for a user name if not specified in notes.ini via KeyFileName_Owner or in ConfigFile via Username Requires MC_SupportIDVault to be set to 1 | 1 defaults to not set | |||||||
MC_IDVault_UserDiag_Message_Top, MC_IDVault_UserDiag_Message_Name, and MC_IDVault_UserDiag_Message_Example | Allows for customizing the ID Vault prompt (see above) | User ID? Please enter your operating system user name: e.g. panusr0007, panusr4711, tfusr9999 | |||||||
MC_CopyIDFileToData | When set to 1, MarvelClient will copy the user's id file to the IBM Notes client data directory, if it resides outside of the data directory. Naturally, MarvelClient will adjust KeyFileName= in notes.ini and location documents pointing to such an id file accordingly. | 1 defaults to not set | |||||||
MC_UseStandardZOrder Recommended for customers who use MarvelClient on Citrix together with Citrix password manager | Customers who are using Citrix Password Manager for Single Sign On in Citrix environments are instructed to add ENABLE_EARLY_AUTHENTICATION=0 to notes.ini by Citrix Support. This has various negative side effects (not just for MarvelClient). (for further details, see MarvelClient customers are advised to remove above line from notes.ini and use | 1 default to not set | |||||||
MC_Msg_Suppress_0d4e | Suppresses the "Notes setup is complete!" dialog after an initial client start | 1 defaults to not set | |||||||
MC_Msg_Suppress_001 MC_Msg_Suppress_002 MC_Msg_Suppress_... MC_Msg_Suppress_009 | Allows to prevent or automatically answer any messages displayed by IBM Notes: MC_Msg_suppress_001= The resource strings themselves are stored in different locations such as nstrings.dll, nnotesws.dll, ... - you can use a tool like Resource Hacker (old, but still useful: to find the number of the corresponding resource string. Note: This is not restricted to setup itself, but will prevent/autoanswer any such message raised by notes Note: Check if there's any helpful IBM setting in notes.ini or ConfigFile that can be used before you consider this approach | MC_Msg_Suppress_001=5591 MC_Msg_Suppress_001_ret=6 will automatically answer the IBM Notes client roaming message box "Failed to replicate with roaming server. Abort the next scheduled clean up?" with "Yes". Note: This feature is only available on Windows | |||||||
MC_Msg_Suppress_001_ret MC_Msg_Suppress_002_ret MC_Msg_Suppress_###_ret ... MC_Msg_Suppress_009_ret | Will automatically answer a messagebox (see above) as follows: 1=OK 3=ABORT 4=RETRY 5=IGNORE 6=YES 7=NO | see above | |||||||
MC_CheckCreateMissing | Perform automatic creation of missing bookmark.nsf, desktop?.dsk/ndk and names.nsf. | 0 - do not create any 1 - create (default - if this is set, individual settings below can apply) | |||||||
MC_CheckCreateMissing_NoBookmark | Suppresses automatic creation of missing bookmark.nsf only. | 1 defaults to not set = 0 | |||||||
MC_CheckCreateMissing_NoDesktop | Suppresses automatic creation of missing desktop?.dsk/ndk only. | 1 defaults to not set = 0 | |||||||
MC_CheckCreateMissing_NoNames | Suppresses automatic creation of missing names.nsf only. | 1 defaults to not set = 0 | |||||||
MC_CheckCreateMissing_NoLocalFeedcontent | Suppresses automatic creation of missing localfeedcontent.nsf | 1 | |||||||
MC_ECLCheckCreateMissing | Create a missing ECL. If names.nsf does not exist (and above settings do not create one), nothing happens. | 0 - do not create any | |||||||
MC_ZapNotes | Displays a message box during client startup for when hanging tasks from a previous Notes session are detected, asking the user whether s/he wants to end them (if a user chooses "Yes", s/he must then double click on the Notes shortcut again). | 1 defaults to not set/disabled | |||||||
MC_ZapNotes_IgnoreTasks | Allows to exclude custom processes that MarvelClient should not check for as to whether they are considered orphaned from the previous Notes session | connecter.exe nminder.exe,connector.exe default to not set Note: This feature is only available on Windows | |||||||
MC_LogLevelThreshold | The default log level for panagenda MarvelClient is 2; increase to 3 or 4 only when so instructed by support | 3 defaults to not set = 2 | |||||||
MC_LogToConsole | Logs all MarvelClient log.xml output into IBM Notes console.log, too | defaults to 1 as of MarvelClient (including Essentials) >= version 10. defaults to 0 for MarvelClient release < 10. | |||||||
MC_RR_Enabled | En- or disables the MarvelClient Realtime engine | 1 defaults to 1 for clients with Realtime Actions (and a valid realtime license) defaults to not set for clients without any Realtime Actions | |||||||
MC_RR_UseTray Recommended to set to 0 for normal end users in production | Defines whether the Real-time engine is supposed to show a "lock icon" in the Windows system tray - this allows for easy testing of realtime Actions(e.g. enable/disable engine entirely, select different realtime rulesets). | 0 defaults to 1 for clients with Realtime Actions (and a valid realtime license) defaults to not set for clients without any Realtime Actions It is recommended to set this to 0 for normal end users. | |||||||
MC_RR_Profile_Current | Specifies the currently active real-time rule-set | defaults to 00_Default for clients with Realtime Actions (and a valid realtime license) defaults to not set for clients without any Realtime Actions | |||||||
MC_Addon* | notes.ini entries for optional collection of HW & SW inventory and/or location/connection documents | ||||||||
MC_SkinningDirectory | Enables optional skinning of the IBM Notes workspace; for further details see NOTE that you do NOT need the mc_skinning.dll since MarvelClient has skinning built in already. | defaults to %notes_data%\skinning --> as soon as corresponding skinning files are deployed into this directory, skinning is applied to the IBM Notes client workspace automatically Note: This feature is only available on Windows | |||||||
MC_MB_Init_Before MC_MB_Init_After MC_MB_BeforeLoginPre_Before MC_MB_BeforeLoginPre_After MC_MB_BeforeLogin_Before MC_MB_BeforeLogin_After MC_MB_AfterLogin_Before MC_MB_AfterLogin_After MC_MB_Shutdown_Before MC_MB_Shutdown_After | For debugging purposes only; displays a message box before/after the respective Runtype | 1 defaults to not set |