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The minimum required hardware level of our iDNA Applications appliances is 11. This means iDNA Applications supports VMWare from ESXi 6.0 and Workstation 11.x and up.
If you are running older version, please follow these steps to downgrade the virtual appliance (to level 8 in this example):
- Open the .ova file with 7zip
- Delete the .cert and .mf inside of the .ova
Edit the .ovf file inside of the .ova and set the VirtualSystemType element to vmx-08:
Code Block language bash theme Midnight <vssd:VirtualSystemType>vmx-08</vssd:VirtualSystemType>
Import the .ova file and startup the appliance
Uninstall the open-vm-tools package:
Code Block theme Midnight yum remove open-vm-tools
Install the correct open-vm-tools version:
Info title Info Pick open-vm-tools version depending on ESXi version: If you can not find the required version on that page, please search the internet for it.
Open-vm-tools rpm downloads: Block theme Midnight yum install
Exclude open-vm-tools from yum upgrades:
Add following line to /etc/yum.confCode Block theme Confluence exclude=open-vm-tools*
Reboot the appliance to finish the downgrade