Error rendering macro 'rw-search'


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Table of Contents

Selecting/Deselecting subsets

Pie charts, bar charts, line graphs and bubble charts that show you multiple categories often allow you to select/deselect certain categories to focus in on subset. To do so, simply click on the category in the charts legend. 


Example views where this is used: Usage - Sessions vs Complexity, Usage – Web vs. Client Usage, Usage – Notes Client Usage, etc.

Maximize screen usage

Hide left menu: To maximize screen width on a graph or page it is possible to hide the left- hand menu of panagenda ApplicationInsights. To do so click the so called 'hamburger' icon in the top right corner. 


To return the menu simply click the same icon again.

Help and additional information

Certain elements in the panagenda ApplicationInsights interface have Help text associated with them to explain the specific graph or element.
