Page History
Code Block |
DisplayName -- Name of the Attendee Connection Type -- Type of the Conenction (Wired or Wi-Fi) linkSpeed -- Network Link Speed Wi-Fi Signal Strength -- Average Signal Strength Wi-Fi Channel -- Used Wi-Fi Channel Wi-Fi Battery Charge -- Remaining Battery charge if Wi-Fi was used Wi-Fi Band -- Used Wi-Fi Band Wi-Fi Vendor Driver -- Wi-Fi Driver Vendor Name Wi-Fi Vendor Driver Version -- Version of the Wi-Fi Driver Wi-Fi Bssid - Used Accesspoint MacAddress - MacAddress of the Network Interface Wi-Fi MSFT Driver - Wi-Fi Driver Name from Microsoft Wi-Fi MSFT Driver Version -- Version of the Wi-Fi Driver from Microsoft Avg Bandwidth(Bytes) -- Average available Bandwidth Wi-Fi RadioType -- What Radio Type was used? |
Column Name | Description |
DisplayName | Name of the Attendee |
Connection Type | Type of the Conenction (Wired or Wi-Fi) |
Other sections:
The other sections show you the specific metrics from CQD for the call as well as a general option to export all data in once. For ongoing calls and calls that recently finished, these sections may be empty if no CQD data has been received yet. In general, Microsoft makes this data available approximately 30 minutes after the call. OfficeExpert TrueDEM Real Time data will be available immediately by clicking the Real Time Data link behind one of the user names in the top.