Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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These are the detailed release notes for the parts of MarvelClient that live in databases, such as the Config DB and the Analyze DB.

For a high-level overview of all changes, please take a look the main document for this release: MarvelClient 14.0

Releases in reverse chronological order:

Table of Contents

Release 2024-09-09 - 20240909162600

Config DB - General


The Eclipse Sidebar action now has three options for the initial state of the sidebar: Open, Thin, and Closed.

Previously there were only two options (Open and Closed), and the old "Closed" option now maps to the new "Thin" option to match the naming convention used by the Notes client.

FIXFixed an error in the MultiTenant Action: MARVELCLIENTACTIONDISTRIBUTION.LOADDEPENDENCIES 13 in Line 804: Type mismatch

Config DB - MC Upgrade UI


Added a new feature to "predict" machine candidates for one or multiple upgrade configurations.


  • Upload documents in the Analyze database from as many users as possible
  • Automailer needs to be configured and enabled. This feature synchronizes information from the public addressbook and the analyze database, to e.g., carry over last used machine, platforms and release details from person documents, and identify users who have not yet uploaded into the analyze database. The sending of install mails can be disabled (aka set to requiring approval).
  • A full license of SecurityInsider to resolve group members used via Who tab restrictions and excludes

New view actions in the MarvelClient Upgrade\Configuration(s)  view allow to then "predict" upgrade candidates:

Image Added

When run, the functionality does the following:

  • If applicable (=if access definitions or direct restrict and/or exclude settings are specified on the Who tab), builds a list of all users who are supposed to receive an upgrade. This requires a full license of panagenda SecurityInsider (SI). The path to the SI database is specified under Advanced\SecurityInsider Sync - for the upgrade prediction functionality, actual synching is not required (neither manual, nor in background).
  • Next, all automailer documents are investigated in the Analyze database. The path to the Analyze database is specified in Online Update configuration. In case multiple analyze paths are specified therein, the first one is used. From the automailer documents, a list of all machine names is built from for which usernames match the readers identified in the previous step and where information was updated in the last 90 days in the public address book.
  • Next, the list of machine names is extended with all upload documents from the last 90 days for which readers match.
  • All machine names are then checked for whether they match the conditions specified on the Conditions tab of the upgrade configration - e.g., does bitness match, client type, disk space, memory etc.
  • If "Print Info" was selected, the number of resulting machines is printed to the status bar.
  • If "Create Candidate Documents" was selected, Upgrade Candidate documents are created in the Analyze database under MarvelClient Upgrade\Upgrades by Result. This allows customers to predict which machines are most likely to receive an upgrade and thereby track how many users (or more so machines) have not yet/already performed an upgrade.
CHANGEWhen publishing a static configuration, the MCUpgrade Config Wizard now treats the old client folders as optional (previously, they were mandatory). The long built-in auto-detection of a pre-installed client will automatically fill in the folders at the beginning of an upgrade/installation.
FIXFixed an issue where VersionInfo was not extracted from the installer for 14.0FP2 due to it including an additional msi file
FIXMCUpgrade Config Wizard: Fixed an issue where validation of latest and archive folder always wrongly prompted that the archive folder must not be the same or underneath the latest folder, even if both were different
FIXAdded support for the version >= 14 install parameters PROGDIRW64 and DATADIRW64, which are required when deviating from best practice installations AND when upgrading a client from 32bit to 64bit (but not when upgrading a 64bit client). In case (DATADIR and DATADIRW64) or (PROGDIR and PROGDIRW64) are specified, the non-W64 settings win with regards to the MCUpgrade Configuration. Note: Different folders for (DATADIR and DATADIRW64) and (PROGDIR and PROGDIRW64) are neither supported nor advisable. For further details see HCL technote KB0114991: Upgrading Notes client, program directory and data directory path get changed or moved.
FIXFixed an issue where the publishing settings were hidden in read mode

Analyze DB


The "Enabled Ports" field on the Location document form is no longer hidden

Release 2024-07-11 - 20240711230600

Config DB - MC Upgrade UI


The MCUpgrade Config Wizard now allows to specify a central location for the latest install package on the Distribution tab.


The MCUpgrade Config Wizard now allows to specify a central location for archiving install packages on the Distribution tab. When enabling this option, older "latest packages" (see above) will automatically be archived into "packagename of latest package" subfolders of the archive location.


When publishing upgrades, changes are now logged into the archiving folder (if enabled), or the publish folder. The last 20 change logs are kept.


On the Data Migration tab, cleanup of old workspace folder(s) can now be enabled. Requires MCUpgrade >= 14.2.3. If enabled, existing workspace folders will be cleaned up (after uninstall, if applicable and before moving them, if applicable, and) prior to carrying out install instructions. The cleanup procedure should preserve all current settings.


Installers are now automatically selected after Import from within MCUpgrade Config Wizard.

Note that when importing more than one full client installer, no installer is selected (as we would not know which one to select). Also note that when importing one or multiple addons, they are merged with any already selected addons.


When publishing a MarvelClient Upgrade Configuration, all installers were always deleted from the publish folder and copied over again. Now, only missing installers are copied, existing preserved, and superfluous deleted.


The MCUpgrade Configuration wizard now computes the suggested highest version information from all selected full and addon installers (whichever apply) and suggests to adjust the target version on the Conditions tab if different upon publishing. In line with this change, the target version field no longer has a default value. If the field is empty it will be filled in automatically upon publishing.


The full and addon installer lists have been enhanced for easier selection:

Full installers are sorted in the following order: Standard, Cascaded, Admin&Designer, Basic, HCAA, ICAA.
Within each, all installers are sorted by bitness (64 before 32) and within each bitness by version descending.

Addon installers are sorted in the following order: Standard language packs, Basic language packs, Fixpacks, JVM Patch, Plugins (Connections/Sametime), SwiftFile, HCAA, ICAA, HCAA Basic language packs, and Unknown components.
Within each, all installers are sorted by bitness (64 before 32) and within each bitness by version descending.


To reduce the space used by the top section of the form, the MarvelClient Upgrade Configuration form as been changed and enhanced as follows:

  • The Upgrade Directory field has been moved into the Distribution tab
  • The Wizard mode has been moved from below the "Type of Upgrade" field to its right

Previously, viewing or selecting installers required a lot of scrolling on the Distribution tab. The entire installer and addon selection portion has been moved into its own new tab "Installers".


In previous releases, one could only choose to enable or disable the upgrade actions, but not to skip the step (Cancelling would cancel the remaining steps). Now, if one selects "Cancel" in the "Create / Update Actions dialog", publishing continues without creating or updating any upgrade documents, but with creating and publishing it, if so selected.


In the MCUpgrade Config Wizard, on the setup tab, the entry Create_RXX_Databases was previously automatically resolved as Create_R14_Databases for Notes 14. This has been adjusted to automatically resolve to Create_R12_Databases for all current and future Notes 14 releases.

Analyze DB


The MarvelClient Analyze database now supports a new optional role [ViewCollapseAll]. When a user with the role opens a view in the analyze database, the view will be collapsed (=all categories closed) every time it is opened. Note that this works on Windows only.


The PerNAB agent now allows to override notes:userdetails_mailtemplate via user:userdetails_mailtemplate_override. The original template name is then stored in notes:userdetails_mailtemplate_org. Overriding the template name can be conditional by setting user:userdetails_mailtemplate_override_if to a template name that must match for override to occur.

In line with this enhancement, the PerNAB version has been updated from 10.0 to 14.0.0


The Mail Template Replace Design feature now has an Edit button, for modifying an existing configuration


Fix for error in Cleanup agent: Cleanup_NotesVersion in line 31: Type mismatch

Release 2024-04-19 - 20240419090400

Config DB - General

FIXFixed a problem where Online Update might not download new Example actions

Config DB - MC Upgrade UI

NEWAdded new functionality to the elevation tab to create and re-use security resources (mcu file, public and private key, as well as logo.png or gif). Creating and managing re-usable security resources requires a new role [AdminMCU]. Users with this role can see an additional view Security Resources under MarvelClient Upgrade\Configuration(s). Additional Readers can also be added to a set of security resources.
NEWMCUpgrade Cinema Slides are now downloaded and updated as part of the Online Update process
ENHANCEMENTThe MCUpgrade.ini preview was previously only updated when clicking on the corresponding button on the Advanced tab. Now, the preview is also updated whenever a configuration is published without errors.
ENHANCEMENTAdded an MCUpgrade category in the Rich Client Essentials view
ENHANCEMENT / FIXIn previous releases, customers could not easily target an upgrade to a specific bitness of client. Now it is possible to target an upgrade to just 32-bit and/or 64-bit clients on the Conditions tab. When selecting an installer, the corresponding bitness is always selected. By default, both 32 and 64 bit are selected.
FIXFixed a problem where some views (including the MC Installers view) would display "not categorized" if Categories were not being used
FIXFixed an issue where the option "Install panagenda Installer Service if missing" could not be enabled on the elevation tab when selecting an elevation option different from "Run via MarvelClient --> MCUpgrade Service"

Release 2024-01-29 - 20240129092800

Config DB - General

ENHANCEMENTLimit the name of Workspace Page titles to 32 character when creating or editing Workspace Page actions
ENHANCEMENTChanged the wording on the English warning displayed if you attempt to downgrade the Config DB template using Online Update
FIXFixed an issue where the XML for Geolocation conditions was not always computed correctly
FIXFixed a problem where the MC Install PostOpen script would not properly detect 64-bit clients when running on a remote desktop session (or Citrix)

Config DB - MC Upgrade UI


Previously, the "import installer"dialog always opened "C:\Users\Public" as default location to import installers from. Now, the "import installer" dialog will open the following folder as default:

  • if opened from the installer view, it will use the folder of the currently highlighted/first selected installer, if the folder exists (from the viewpoint of the user launching the dialog)
  • if not used from the installer view, or the folder of the highlighted/first selected installer does not exist, it will use notes.ini:$MCU_LastInstallerPath, if the corresponding entry and folder exist
  • if no folder was resolved from the above, "C:\Users\Public\MCUpgrade\Installers" is used, if it exists
  • if no folder was resolved from the above, "C:\Users\Public" is used

After importing an installer, notes.ini:$MCU_LastInstallerPath is set to the folder of the first imported installer, if it is different from "C:\Users\Public" and "C:\Users\Public\MCUpgrade\Installers".


The tabs in the desktop browser preview are now clickable in their entirety. Previously, only the text was clickable.


Updated the digital signature of all binaries (including the panagenda Installer Service and helper DLLs) to until Nov 2024 (previous releases were valid until March 15, 2023)

In line with the change, the version of the panagenda Installer Service is updated to from to, and the version of the helper binaries is updated from to


The executable nice64.exe has been updated to V14

CHANGE / NEWAdded a new MarvelClient Upgrade Helper Splash Screen which is displayed when publishing Upgrade Configurations and Indexing Installer Files. The new splash is the same as the new shutdown and upgrade splash screen for the new MC GA 14.x DLL, with additional text below the MarvelClient Logo: "Preparing Upgrade Magic ..." (without quotes)
CHANGE / NEWAdded a new splash screen (11) for MarvelClient Upgrade, which is also the default for new upgrade configurations. The splash screen is the same as the new shutdown splash screen in the MarvelClient 14.x GA DLL.
CHANGEChanged the order of buttons on the Data Migration tab in MarvelClient Upgrade configurations for handling custom zip files. Previously, the buttons were "Create Zip", followed by "Create Folder(s)". Now, the "Create Folder(s)" button is first, and the "Create Zip" button second.
FIXFixed an issue in the MarvelClient Upgrade configuration form, where the "Create Zip" button on the Data Migration tab did not preserve the entire subfolder structure of the selected folder. Now the selected folder is properly zipped including all subfolders and files.
FIXFixed an issue, where the latest V14 Connections Plugin (, was neither recognized as 64 bit, nor as a Connections Plugin

Analyze DB


If the Cleanup_NotesRenames function fails on a document during the cleanup process, it now process the next document instead of exiting with an error

Release 2023-12-05 - 20231205133700

Config DB - General

ENHANCEMENTNew Nomad Web app restriction to prevent Nomad Designer from being active (requires Nomad Web 1.0.10 or higher)
ENHANCEMENTOnline Update now has a "deselect all" button when Selective Updates is being used, to make it easier to download only a small number of specific binaries
FIXFixed the default link for the Eclipse Plugin release notes page on the Online Update form, if no default link for that plugin version is found
FIXFixed a problem in the Bookmark action that could cause Partial Match search patterns not to work for newly created or re-saved actions, including new actions created using example actions (e.g. "Workspace Bookmark"); this was a regression introduced in template 20230323

Config DB - MC Upgrade UI

FIXFixed an issue where MC_DB= and/or MC_DB_NotResolvable= entries on the Setup tab were not always properly resolved

Release 2023-11-06 - 20231106123200

Config DB - General

ENHANCEMENTWhen the "Deploy Code to Install MarvelClient" feature is used, it now changes the Title of the new template to match the template name
CHANGEThe SecurityInsider Sync agent now logs action update messages as Info instead of Warning in the logs
CHANGEThe limited replica roaming action example now defaults (properly) to a runtype of Before Login Init instead of Before Login

Config DB - MC Upgrade UI


The default list of Old Notes Data excludes now also includes the following two entries when creating new upgrade configurations:


Note that this does not affect existing upgrade configurations.

FIXFixed a visual issue where SMTP Ports > 999 were displayed with a thousands separator on the tracking tab
FIXFixed an issue in Upgrade Configurations where the Progress Tracking Heading on the Tracking tab did no always show/hide as expected
FIXFixed an issue in Upgrade Configurations where the "New Notes Data Directory" field for 64-bit Admin/Designer client upgrades defaulted to  "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\HCL\Notes\Data" instead of "%ProgramFiles%\HCL\Notes\Data"
FIXFixed an issue where some Upgrade Configurations could not be published due to an "Unable to best resolve or validate" error for the MC_DB_NotResolvable and/or MC_DB fields on the setup tab

Analyze DB


The Mail Template Replace Design feature can now accept multiple target configurations for the same template.

There is also a new option: "Restrict to major Notes version"


If the Cleanup agent encounters the error "Error in CLEANUP_NOTESRENAMES in line 37: Object variable not set - Function aborted" it now continues processing the next document instead of stopping

Release 2023-09-26 - 20230926093300

Config DB - General

ENHANCEMENTThe Application/Mailfile action now has an option for "Background" when creating a local replica. This will cause the replica to be created using the standard Replicator background thread after the Notes client starts. Requires MarvelClient 14 or higher, or Nomad Web 1.0.9 or higher.
ENHANCEMENTAuto-created Essentials Mailbased Installer (generated when a Config DB is created using PMCInstaller) now deploys the 64-bit MarvelClient DLL as pmc64_data.dll by default instead of pmc_data.dll

Changed the "Roam latest backup" example actions so they default to a runtime of Before Login instead of BL Init.

Also changed the title of the "Set mc:DXL Export/Import Roaming" example action to suggest that the DXLRawImport agent should use a runtime of "After Write".


The Roaming Cleanup action now supports a runtype of Background Init.


The "ROAMING: Exclude ini-Entries Directory, SharedDataDirectory and more" example INI Filter action now also excludes the following entries: EXTMGR_ADDINS, AddinMenus, and NSF_HOOKS

FIXFixed a problem in the Bookmark action form that could cause a new or resaved action to fail with the error "could not find mapping for '' in <partialmatch>". This was caused by a change in the 20230323 template.

Several changes to allow various pieces of code to work properly with the 64-bit 12.0.2 FP2 client, including:

  • Online Update using the LotusScript connect option
  • Reading the clipboard (Application/Mailfile action, Profile document action)
  • Getting the list of servers (Agent action, Recent Apps action)
  • Reading the low-resolution database icon (Application/Mailfile action)

Note that these things worked properly on previous 64-bit clients, but changes were required with 12.0.2 FP2. These will also be needed for Notes 14.


Release notes URL generation code has been updated to properly detect templates tagged as Notes 14.


Fixed a problem where Online Update using a Java connection option and proxy server settings would fail on Notes 14.


Fixed a problem where the GetLicenseInfo.xml file generated by Online Update is sometimes empty after a failed connection, and cannot be deleted or modified until the Notes client restarts.


Fixed a problem on the Application/Mailfile action form where the validation display shows the wrong text if 'Variable' is selected as a Local Replica option and the 'Variable' field is empty.

Config DB - MC Upgrade UI

ENHANCEMENTIndexing of installers for MarvelClient Upgrade now also detects bitness of the selected file itself. This can come in handy to detect the bitness of executables like notes.exe or similar (after which the indexer document should be deleted )
FIXThe default German text displayed in the MessageBox at the end of a failed upgrade lacks a character. This is now fixed.
FIXThe text ini:Userinterface on the Language tab was linked to a no longer available IBM page. The link has now been removed.
FIXFixed an issue where the AUT manifest version was not displayed in all cases where possible.

Analyze DB

ENHANCEMENTAdded support for two new roles to optionally hide the Notes.ini and Notes Preferences tabs on User Upload documents. This can improve the performance of opening upload documents on very large Analyze databases. The roles are [HideEmbNotesIni] and [HideEmbNotesPrf]

Release 2023-08-31 - 20230831120000

Config DB - General


The Application/Mailfile action has a new "Background" option on the Local Replica tab when creating a new local replica.

This new functionality requires MarvelClient 14.0.1 or higher.


OnlineUpdate now works properly on the Windows 64-bit client when using the "LotusScript" connection option

NOTE: the 64-bit version of Notes 12.0.2, up to and including FP2, OnlineUpdate will not work properly with a connection option of "LotusScript" and a proxy option "Use System Settings". This is due to a bug in the Notes client that was fixed in 12.0.2 FP3 and Notes 14.0.0. If you are using an affected version of 12.0.2, please choose a different connection option, or use the menu option Actions – O. Online Update – 1. Perform Full Online Update instead of using the OnlineUpdate form.


The example INI filters used by backup and roaming actions now include EXTMGR_ADDINS, AddinMenus, and NSF_HOOKS to make sure those settings don't roam (they can cause issues roaming between 32-bit and 64-bit clients, or between Mac and Windows clients).


Fixed a problem where the GetLicenseInfo.xml file generated by OnlineUpdate could be locked as a zero byte file if incorrect connection options were used, requiring a restart of the Notes client before the file could be deleted or overwritten.


If "Variable" is selected as the Local Replica option on an Application/Mailfile action and the Variable field is empty, the validation display shows the wrong text.

Config DB - MC Upgrade UI

ENHANCEMENTIndexing of installers for MarvelClient Upgrade now also detects bitness of the selected file itself. This can come in handy to detect the bitness of executables like notes.exe or similar (after which the indexer document should be deleted )