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These are very generic Store App Error Codes which could potential mean anything. Nevertheless we see a strong correlation if SSL Inspection is active for the affected Client(s)
Manager is installed but Manager Logs shows a http 407 Event
This occurs when the TrueDEM Manager is unable to reach the service where the Agent (Store App) is being pulled from.
In that case 407 indicates that a HTTP Proxy is in between which requires a proxy authentication. Please exclude the urls mentioned in our Client Requirements Doc.
Citrix: Agent is installed in Image, but shows 0x8007010B in Appxlog
This Error is again a very generic one(Windows Update, Store). However one of the reason why such error is seen for Citrix deployment is, that no License file has been used during Add-AppxProvisionedPackage. Please make sure that the correct Licensefile is specified by -LicensePath in the installation string (Add-AppxProvisionedPackage)
Group Policy "hints"
In order to verify that Group Policies are not causing the issue, please run the following command to check which GPOs are active.